Friday, May 15, 2015

Big Cat Scat: The Making Of

Are you having trouble with deer in your yard or garden? A natural answer to your problem is Big Cat Scat. Made right here at the sanctuary by our very own residents, with a little processing by the trusty interns, our Big Cat Scat can be scattered wherever you need to keep the deer away. It works because it makes the prey animals think there are predators around! 
Have you always wondered how Big Cat Scat is made? Well, look no further because today the interns at IEAS are giving you a step-by-step guide to what goes into every bucket of Big Cat Scat: 

1. Well, let's start at the very beginning. We feed our big cats very well - in fact,  our big cats all eat between 8 and 14lbs of Triple A meat (1/3 bone, 1/3 muscle and 1/3 organ) 6 days a week. 

2.  In return, the cats leave unprocessed Big Cat Scat.

3. We pick up the scat when we clean their habitats. (Fun fact: all of the cats have their favorite places to poo, ex. Big John mostly poops in the same corner of his habitat and the three white tigers love to poop in their pool!)

4. The scat then gets left out to dry at our scat processing station for a few days. 

5. The interns prep themselves for processing the scat.

6. The scat gets grated into a powder so that it can be easily spread around your yard as needed. 

7. We transfer the scat powder into buckets for you to take home. 

8. After the scat is at your house, just sprinkle the powder along the perimeter of your property, around a garden, or anywhere you want to keep those pesky deer away. 

And that's how Big Cat Scat is made! If you're interested in our Big Cat Scat you can read more about it here. 

Big Cat Scat can be purchased in:
1 Gallon Bucket - $15.00 plus shipping and handling
2.5 Gallon Bucket - $35.00 plus shipping and handling
5 Gallon Bucket - $50.00 plus shipping and handling
(One gallon of Big Cat Scat should be enough to cover 100 square feet)

You can call in your order at 940-433-5091 or email us at Please contact us to determine shipping and handling costs. 

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